With grateful hearts, Hearts, Hands and Voices acknowledges its generous donors, sponsors and corporate advertisers!

 Generous donors, sponsors and corporate advertisers make Hearts, Hands and Voices possible! Even though our summer camp experience is tuition based, tuition funds cover less than half of the cost to provide this high-quality offering. Donations and grant awards help us attract nationally recognized faculty as well as purchase the instruments and materials we need to teach our campers, and keep them going through the busy days at camp with lunch and snacks. Additionally, these gifts allow us to provide scholarships to children who would otherwise miss this wonderful opportunity. There can never be a child who misses camp because of money!

 If you are interested in making a donation, follow the link below:

Please make checks payable to Hearts, Hands and Voices and mail to:

P O Box 532264 ● Livonia, MI 48153-5322

If you are interested in sponsorship and/or corporate advertising opportunities, please contact Ellen Batkie: or (248) 497-1451.

Volunteer Core

Hearts, Hands and Voices is dependent on dozens of volunteers who embrace our mission. Helping hands come together to make camp happen: Kitchen Brigade, Camp Assistants, Shepherds, Art Assistants, Photographers. Our volunteers are all screened through background checks in advance. If you want to experience camp with our children, consider volunteering. Start with the form below.