Monday nights during the school yeaR

The Hearts, Hands and Voices Worship and Fine Arts Program meets weekly during the school year, offering an immersion in worship and the arts under the direction of Dr. Michael Burkhardt.

All young people in Grades 2-7 are welcome, even if they have not participated in Summer Camp. Those in Grade 8 and above are given leadership opportunities while continuing their learning. 


Location: St. John Lutheran Church, 23225 Gill Road, Farmington Hills (between Grand River and Freedom Rd). 

Dates: Fall Term - September 9, 2024; Spring Term - January 13, 2025.

Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m. Supper at 6:30 is followed by music making with “Dr. B” (Michael Burkhardt) and friends until 8:00. 

Supper is a cornerstone of the weekly sessions, building community among both the students and their families and friends.

The “tuition” for participation is to provide and serve supper for the group one evening per term.